Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics, Volume 10 (2017)
Edited by Chenchen Song and James Baker
The middle voice, valency and Aktionsart in the Arabic verb
Hannah Danbolt Ajer
pp. 1-21
Safety in numbers: Geminates in Lisbon Portuguese
Samuel Andersson
pp. 22-37
Factors 2 and 3: a principled approach
Theresa Biberauer
pp. 38-65
Control into infinitival relatives
Jamie Douglas
pp. 66-87
Negative inversion without negation: On fuck-inversion in British English
Craig Sailor
pp. 88-110
Julia Schwarz
pp. 111-151
Prosodically-driven morphosyntactic change? Revisiting the history of Chinese disyllabic words
Chenchen Song
pp. 152-196
The geometrical structure of linguistic theory: The case of Russian split scrambling
Thomas Jolyon Wood
pp. 197-236
Chris Mengying Xia
pp. 237-255
Hanna Danbolt Ajer
pp. 256-266
The challanges of cross-linguistic parsing
Maja Gwóźdź
pp. 267-278