Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics, Volume 11 (2018)
Edited by Chenchen Song, Li Nguyen, and James Baker
Split intransitivity in Basque
James Baker
pp. 1-35
Mohyi Eldeen Maziad
pp. 36-56
American English Rhotic Rhymes: Phonemic rhotacized schwa or underlying /V+ɹ/?
Connor McCabe
pp. 36-56
Roberto B. Sileo
pp. 86-119
Conceptualising an Ideal Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Traning System: Educational Technology
Nick Ballou
pp. 120-130
Theresa Biberauer
pp. 131-145
Physical activity as an enhancer of vocabulary learning: a brief narrative overview
Carla Pastorino Campos
pp. 146-151
Towards a typology of sibling languages
Mary Ann Walter and Imogen Lemon
pp. 152-162