Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics, Volume 6 (2012)
Edited by James N. Chancharu, Xuhui Freddy Hu, and Moreno Mitrovic
A new take on partial control: defective thematic intervention
Michelle Sheehan
pp. 1-47
Agreeing with nothing: opacity and the implications of the minimalist program for phonology
J. Joseph Perry
pp. 49-62
Manifestation of vagueness in language use: two experiments
Minyao Huang
pp. 63-94
Phasing out phases and re-relativizing relativized minimality
John Torr
pp. 96-129
Sophia Gilman
pp. 131-175
The underlying conditionality of conditionals which do not use if
Chi-Hé Elder
pp. 177-200
Subject agreement and the EPP in Bantu agreeing inversion
Jenneke van der Wal
pp. 201-236
Restructuring the tough approach to the Mandarin long passive
Alison Biggs
pp. 237-266
Towards a parameter hierarchy for auxiliaries: diachronic considerations
Theresa Biberauer and Ian Roberts
pp. 267-294
Text simplification of legal English: laws on women's rights in Pakistan
Naveed Ahmad and Napoleon Katsos
pp. 295-310
The computability and computational complexity of generativity
Jeffery Watumull
pp. 311-329