Christofaki, R., 'The Challenge of Japanese Person Terms: Pronouns or Not?' Summer School Pronouns: Syntax, Semantics, Processing, Moscow, 16-19 June 2015. (poster)
Christofaki, R., 'The Challenge of Japanese Person Terms: Pronouns or Not?' Semantics, Pragmatics and Philosophy Workshop, Cambridge, 24 June 2015.
Christofaki, R., 'Expressing the Self in Japanese vis-à-vis the indexicality of thought' 14th International Pragmatics Association Conference, Antwerp, 29 July 2015. Session The Dynamics of Self-Expression across Languages
Christofaki, R., 'Expressing the self in Japanese vis-à-vis the indexicality of thought', Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 8, Cambridge, 17 September 2015. Session Expressing the Self: Linguistic and Philosophical Aspects
Huang, M. 'Generic One and the Degrees of Detached Self-Reference', Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 8, Cambridge, 17 September 2015. Session Expressing the Self: Linguistic and Philosophical Aspects
Jaszczolt, K. M. 'The Demise of the First-Person Indexical', Semantics and Philosophy in Europe 8, Cambridge, 17 September 2015. Session Expressing the Self: Linguistic and Philosophical Aspects
Huang, M. 'Referential variability of the generic "one"', Semantics, Pragmatics and Philosophy Cluster, Cambridge, 23 November 2015.
Christofaki, R. ‘Self-reference: insights from Japanese, questions for beyond’. Workshop Putting Fieldwork on Indigenous Languages to New Uses, University of Campinas, Brazil, 30 March 2016. (poster)
Jaszczolt, K. M., Meaning in Linguistic Interaction: Response to Critics. Invited Book Symposium on Jaszczolt, K. M., Meaning in Linguistic Interaction: Semantics, Metasemantics, Philosophy of Language.American Philosophical Association conference, Pacific Division, San Francisco, 30 March 2016.
Jaszczolt, K. M., Indexicals: From Pragmatics to Semantics, Pragmasophia. First International Conference in Pragmatics and Philosophy, Palermo, 16 May 2016. (Keynote)
Huang, M. 'Levels of self-awareness and de se thoughts', Pragmasophia. First International Conference in Pragmatics and Philosophy, Palermo, 16 May 2016.
Christofaki, R. ‘The self and its meaning(s): insights from Japanese’ Semantics, Pragmatics and Philosophy Workshop, Cambridge, 2 June 2016.
Christofaki, R. ‘The self and its meaning, insights from Japanese’ Context, Cognition and Communication (CCC) Conference, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, 18 June 2016.
Huang, M. 'Levels of self-awareness and de se thoughts', 1st Context, Cognition and Communication Conference, Warsaw, 18 June 2016.
Christofaki, R. ‘The self and its meaning: insights from Japanese’ Themed session Truth-conditions and perspectival meaning, Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) conference, York, 6-9 September 2016.
Christofaki, R. ‘Different languages, different selves?’ Cambridge Festival of Ideas, 22 October 2016.
Christofaki, R. ‘Self-reference: insights from Japanese to beyond’, American Pragmatics Association Conference (AmPra 3), Indiana University, Bloomington USA, 4-6 November 2016.
Huang, M. 'Charting the speaker-relatedness of impersonal pronouns', American Pragmatics Association Conference (AmPra 3), Bloomington, 4-6 November 2016.
M. Witek and K.M. Jaszczolt. ‘Strategies of self-reference: A speech-act-theoretic account’. Cognition and Communication Research Group Seminar, University of Szczecin, Poland (invited), 28 February 2017.
M. Huang. "Aspects of the self in de se communication and Beyond" Workshop: The Problem of the De Se: Perspectives from Linguistics and Philosophy, CSMN, University of Oslo, 9 March 2017
K.M. Jaszczolt and M. Huang. "First-Person Indexical in Mixed Quotation: A Case for Radical Contextualism?" Workshop: The Problem of the De Se: Perspectives from Linguistics and Philosophy, CSMN, University of Oslo, 10 March 2017
Panel on The Dynamics of Self Expression Across Languages, within the 14th International Pragmatics Conference, 27-31 July 2015, Belgium. (Huang and Jaszczolt).
Panel on Adaptability, Contextualism, and the Composition of Discourse Meaning, within the 14th International Pragmatics Conference, 27-31 July 2015, Belgium. (Jaszczolt).
Semantics, Pragmatics & Philosophy Cluster Workshop, 2-3 June 2016, Newnham College, Cambridge. (Christofaki and Huang).
Themed session Truth-Conditions and Perspectival Meaning, Linguistics Association of Great Britain, September 2016.
Workshop The Problem of the De Se: Perspectives from Linguistics and Philosophy, March 2017, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, University of Oslo (jointly organised by the project team and CSMN).