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Recently held research grants:
Observations and Remarks on the French language AHRC
Age-related changes in the use of linguistic cues for speech intelligibility in adverse listening conditions European Research Council ERA-AGE
EF Research Lab for Applied Language Learning
Education First-Cambridge Learner Corpus of English: a data driven approach to second language learning (Newton Trust, Education First)
Voice similarity and the effect of the telephone: a study of the implications for earwitness evidence ESRC
The development of negation in the languages of Europe AHRC
Learning about the world through generic statements: a cross-linguistic perspective (Leverhulme Trust)
Structure and Linearization in Disharmonic Word Orders (AHRC)
Syntactic Atlas of Welsh Dialects (Newton Trust)
English Profile: Reference Level Descriptions for English (Cambridge ESOL)
Computational Natural Language Processing and the Neuro-Cognition of Language (EPSRC, ESRC and MRC Cognitive Systems Forsight project)
Empirical foundations of linguistics: data, methods, models (Agence Nationale de Recherche)
Dynamic Variability in Speech: a Forensic Phonetic Study of British English ESRC
Null Subjects and the Structure of Parametric Theory AHRB
'A Historical Corpus of the Welsh Language' (English language version) AHRB
'Corpws hanesyddol yr iaith Gymraeg' (Welsh language version) AHRB
L1 Acquisition of Prosody in Catalan, Spanish and English (Batista i Roca and the British Academy)
Developing Multilingual Technologies for Automatic Lexical Acquisition (Royal Society)
Prosody in Grammar (British Academy, CNRS, ANR)
Prosody and Phonological Modelling (British Academy, CNRS, ANR)
Rethinking Comparative Syntax (ERC)
Different phonological structures in prosody? (British Academy)
Categories and gradience in intonation: Evidence from linguistics and neurobiology (ESRC)
Sound to Sense (Marie Curie)
Prosodic Structure and FPD: Segmental-Suprasegmental Interaction (Project 8 in Sound to Sense , Marie Curie)
2012- Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of Portuguese (InAPoP) and other Romance languages. Funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/CLE-LIN/119787/2010). PI Sónia Frota (University of Lisbon), 7 CIs in Portugal, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, and US.