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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Green ArchiteXture and World Literature

Green ArchiteXture and World Literature offered a retrospective on a Cambridge Festival public engagement event led by MMLL Faculty member Daniela Dora in March 2023, where participants endeavoured to build the ‘architectural structure’ of a text.

Equipped with an extract of a ‘green’ literary text, ranging from Shakespeare sonnets to Rabindranath Tagore poems and contemporary novels like Christian Kracht’s Imperium (2012), the participants used an array of materials such as modelling clay, cardboard and newspaper to create their representation of the text. All of the selected texts dealt with nature or eco-themed aspects (green literature).

Over the summer of 2023, visitors to the MMLL Library were encouraged to reflect on how they might transform words on a page into a three-dimensional structure by perusing the models, reading about the creators’ inspirations and even drafting their own designs.

Find some of the featured green texts in the MMLL Library and try your hand at transforming them into a new medium: