Fitzwilliam College
Storeys Way
United Kingdom
The main focus of Dr Ares Llop's research lies in microvariation and linguistic change of the Romance languages, especially Catalan and Pyrenean linguistic varieties. Her first monograph, which was awarded the Joan Solà International Prize in Catalan Philology (to be published in 2020), is a new outlook on the expression of negation in Catalan and other close varieties of the Romance continuum, by means of a symbiosis of theory and data. It explores and illustrates the mechanisms and acquisition processes underlying both diachronic linguistic change as well as the micro-synchronic variation of unexplored Romance negation systems.
She has extensive experience in higher education teaching and research, having held various academic positions including at the Universitat de Barcelona, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and at Cardiff University.
Additionally, she is interested in bridging language studies with grammar teaching, and in exploring how grammatical knowledge and theoretical insights can be transferred to the language classroom and foreign language textbooks. Her publications include articles on teaching Catalan and Spanish as a L1 and Foreign Language, as well as several L1 and Foreign Language Catalan language course books.
- Romance linguistics
- Historical linguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Syntax
- Catalan language
- Spanish language
- Romance linguistics
- Historical linguistics
- Synchronic and diachronic microsyntactic variation
- Second Language acquisition
- Foreign Language teaching
Llop, Ares; Paradís, Anna (in press). Clitic climbing and presuppositional negative markers in Occitano-Romance verbal complexes. Exploring the crossroads of micro-syntactic phenomena. Catalan Journal of Linguistics, 22.
Pérez-Nieto, Nazaret; Llop, Ares (in press). “Teaching Languages to Generation Z students: The impact of the use of audio-visual materials in the Spanish classroom”. In: Marta F. Suárez (ed.). Screen Media and Language. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Espinal, M.Teresa; Llop, Ares (2022). (Negative) Polarity Items in Catalan and Other Trans-Pyrenean Romance Languages. Languages, 7 (1).
Comajoan-Colomé; Llorenç; Llop, Ares (2021) . An SLA-informed and cognitive linguistic approach to the teaching of L2 Catalan tense-aspect. Círculo de lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 87: 95-120.
Crespí, Isabel; Llop Naya, Ares (2021). “The notions of tense and aspect in Secondary Education textbooks: analysis and proposals”. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, [online], 2021, Vol. 14, Num. 1, p. e1026, https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/jtl3.1026 [View: 17-02-2022].
Llop, Ares (2021). “A microsyntactic study of Pyrenean negative emphatic polarity particles with the help of data from linguistic atlases”. In: Roca, Francesc; Cerrudo, Alba; Gallego, Á. (eds.) Syntactic Geolectal variation: traditional approaches, current challenges and new tools. John Benjamins Publishing, 109-145.
Llop, Ares (2021). “Review. Lingüística textual y enseñanza del español LE L2». Resercle. Revista de la Societat d’Ensenyament i Recerca del català com a llengua estrangera, 2, 154-157, https://doi.org/10.31009/resercle.2021.17
Llop, Ares (2020). Perspectives diacròniques en la variació microsintàctica sincrònica. Reanàlisis i cicles en els sistemes negatius del català i d’altres varietats del continuum romànic pirinenc. Lleida: Publicacions de la Universitat de Lleida.
Llop, Ares (2020). “Les minimiseurs dans les parlers des Pyrénées Centrales. Une approche micro-syntaxique”. In: Sibille, Jean (ed.). La microvariation syntaxique dans les langues romanes de France. Limoges: Lambert Lucas.
Llop, Ares; Paradís, Anna. “La posició dels clítics i de les marques de negació pressuposicional en els contextos de reestructuració: un estudi de variació sintàctica dialectal”. Caplletra, 66, 153-178.
Llop, Ares; Pineda, Anna (2018). “Syntactic microvariation in Catalan. The Microvariació.cat initiative”. Revue roumaine de Linguistique, LXIII, 3, 271-280.
Llop, Ares (2018). “Els parlars nord-occidentals. Detalls de sintaxi”. In: Bonet, Sebastià; Nogué, Neus; Salvat, Eulàlia (eds.). Joan Solà, una memòria viva. Barcelona: PUB, 51-76.
Llop, Ares (2016). “The future of Catalan dialects’ syntax. A case study for a methodological contribution”. In: Côté, Marie-Hélène, Knooihuizen, Remco, Nerbonne, John (ed.). The future of dialects, Language Variation. Language Science Press, 63-72.
Massip, Àngels; Llop, Ares (2015). “Corpus et anthologies du Catalan Contemporain”. In: Roegist, Eugeen; Illiescu, Maria (eds.). Manuel des anthologies, corpus et textes romans. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 242-258.