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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Dr Giulia Boitani

Dr Giulia Boitani
Affiliated Lecturer and College Teaching Officer
Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages & Linguistics
Contact details: 

King’s College, CB2 1ST


Giulia Boitani is a medievalist, an affiliated lecturer in the French and Italian departments with the Faculty and CTO for King’s College.

Teaching interests: 

Giulia supervises students in FR3, FR7, and FR15, medieval French Year Abroad Projects, as well as FR1 and IT1/ITA3. She has also taught in the ELAC (now LCT) MPhil, and is happy to supervise more broadly in medieval studies across romance languages.

Research interests: 

Giulia’s is a medieval literary scholar whose interests span across medieval Romance literature, particularly medieval French, Occitan and Italian.  Her recent research focuses on the role of foundresses in medieval French prose romances, and what these immense texts might tell us about contemporary ideas of gender, power relationships, and how gendered genealogies become mapped out in time and space. She is also interested at looking at the different manuscript and cultural contexts – especially from the 14th and 15th century – that shape a medieval text; in the construction of lyric voices and subjectivities across the Romance languages; and the ways in which current critical practices might engage with medieval thought. She has written on Foucauldian genealogies and the medieval prose Tristan, and is now looking at intersections between the Baradian notion of ‘intra-action’ and Dante’s configuration of Paradiso.

Giulia obtained her BA and MA in Romance philology and literature at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, and pursued her postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge in 2016. She was a Society for French Studies Prize Postdoctoral Fellow in 2020 at Cambridge.

Recent research projects: 

‘Family Ties. Women and Genealogy in Medieval French Prose Romances’.

Published works: 
  • ‘History branches out. Narrative and Chronology in Bodmer 147’, in Making History with Manuscripts, Sense, Matter, and Medium Series (Berlin: De Gruyter), projected publication 2025.
  • With Henry Ravenhall, ‘A Hospitaller Book in Fifteenth-Century Florence: Notes on the Owners of Cologny, Bodmer 147’, in print with Medioevo Romanzo XVIII (2), 2024.
  • Tristan’s Origins. Foucault, History, and Genealogy in the Prehistory of the Prose Tristan’, Romanic Review 113.1 (2022), 177-198.
  • ‘Il Graal nel Tristan en Prose’ in Il racconto del Graal, Un mito universale fra storia, culture e simboli, ed. by Giacomo Maria Prati e Alessandro Coscia (Milan: Mimesis/Jouvance, 2021).
  • ‘Il Tu/Voi lirico: l’appello alla donna tra i primi trovatori’, Cognitive Philology, 13 (2020) pp. 1-9.
  • ‘A Note on Liturgical and Mystical Quotations in Flamenca’, Medium Aevum, 88.1 (2019), 93-115. 
  • ‘From Alexander to Caesar: the Roman de Perceforest’, Critica del Testo XXII/3 (2019), 209-235.