Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages Raised Faculty Building University of Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue Cambridge CB3 9DA United Kingdom
Ina is MHRA Scholar in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages. Her research focuses on the interrelation between sexual sciences and European literature and visual culture in the 19th and 20th century. She is currently writing her first monograph on sexological and psychoanalytic life writings and the queer performance of livability.
After studying towards an undergraduate degree in English Literature and Creative Writing at Royal Holloway University of London (2010), Ina came to Cambridge for her MPhil in Multi-disciplinary Gender Studies (2011). After spending a year in Fukuoka, Japan as a Tsuzuki Scholar (2012), Ina returned to Cambridge for her PhD in the Department of German and Dutch (2012-15). As AHRC Cultural Engagement Fellow (Feb–May 2016), Ina founded the impact and engagement project “Sex in Six Objects”, which uses various objects from the history of sexuality to talk to young people about gender and sexuality.
From October to November 2016, Ina is also Sylvia Naish Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR), where she will be starting a postdoctoral project investigating the cross-disciplinary relations between zoological and sexual sciences (1890 to 1940) and the way in which literature and visual art illuminate this complicated relationship.
Ina teaches for the MML papers GE15, GE10 and CS5. Her teaching has focused on queer theory and gender studies; the interrelation between literature and sexual sciences; visual culture, film and (medical) photography; and the history of psychoanalysis and feminism.
Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture
- Gender Studies & Queer Theory
- History of Sexuality, esp. Sexual Sciences (psychoanalysis and Sexualwissenschaft)
- Medical Humanities
- Animal Studies
Sexological and Psychoanalytic Life Writings and the Queer Performance of Livability [current book project]
Rethinking the Human: Sexual Sciences, Zoology, Literature and Visual Art (c.1890-1940) [postdoc project]
Edited volumes
Linge, Ina, and Craig, Robert: Biological Discourses: The Language of Science and Literature around 1900 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017) [forthcoming].
Journal articles
Linge, Ina: ‘Gender and Agency between Sexualwissenschaft and Autobiography: The Case of N.O. Body’s Aus eines Mannes Mädchenjahren’, German Life and Letters, 68 (2015), 387–405 (awarded with the Women in German Studies essay prize).
Book chapters
Linge, Ina: ‘Transnational, Trans-media, Trans-disciplinary: The Uranian, Homosexual and Invert in Britain and the German-speaking World’, in Edinburgh Companion to the Fin de Siècle, ed. Josephine Guy (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017) [forthcoming].
Linge, Ina: ‘Körper, Name, Geschlecht: “Trans-Investitur” in Erich Amborns Und dennoch ja zum Leben’, in Grenzen der Überschreitung – Kontroversen um Transkultur, Transgender und Transspecies, ed. by Stephanie Lavorano, Carolin Mehnert, and Ariane Rau (Bielefeld: transcript, 2016) [forthcoming].
Linge, Ina: ‘“Mal etwas Anderes”: Narrative Representations of Queer Performance and Commodified Bodies on the Early Twentieth-Century Shop Floor’, in Tales of Commerce and Imagination: Department Stores and Modernity in Film and Literature, ed. by Godela Weiss-Sussex and Ulrike Zitzlsperger (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2015).
Linge, Ina: ‘Die Geschichte des Dings: Annett Gröschner erzählt vom Warenhaus zwischen Stadtgeschichte und Stadtfiktion’, in Tales of Commerce and Imagination: Department Stores and Modernity in Film and Literature, ed. by Godela Weiss-Sussex and Ulrike Zitzlsperger (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2015).
Linge, Ina: ‘Hospitable Reading: An Approach to Life Writings of Gender and Sexual “Deviants”’, in Crimes of Passion: Repräsentationen der Sexualpathologie im frühen 20. Jahrhundert, ed. by Japhet Johnstone and Oliver Böni (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2015).
Linge, Ina: Review of Fragile Minds and Vulnerable Souls: The Matter of Obscenity in Nineteenth-century Germany by Sarah L. Leonard, Cultural and Social History (2016) [forthcoming].
Academic journalism
Linge, Ina: ‘Sex Education: A Wish List’, in King’s Review (Cambridge, UK: 2014).
Linge, Ina, and Zaat, Katrina: ‘Jacqueline Rose on Women in Dark Times’, in King’s Review (Cambridge, UK: 2014).