Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages Raised Faculty Building University of Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue Cambridge CB3 9DA United Kingdom
Annemarie Künzl-Snodgrass was DAAD-Lektorin for German Language and Literature at King's College London (1981- 84) before moving to Cambridge. She was Senior Language Teaching Officer at the Department of German and Dutch until her retirement in 2018. She continues to be Fellow, Tutorial Adviser and Director of Studies for MML at Jesus College.
- Teaching and examining the German language at all levels
- Lectures on Landeskunde and grammar topics
- Special interests: teaching of ab initio German and of advanced translation and the development of online language learning materials
Interests and activities
- Development of online language teaching materials
- 2006-09: Chair of the Faculty's Aspiration Committee (Multikultur@)
- Involved in graduate training, outreach and recruitment activities
- from 2016: Coordinator of the Faculty's contributions to the University's annual Festival of Ideas
- Speed up your German (Taylor and Francis, 2017) with Silke Mentchen
- Interactive CD-ROM, Video Plus German (Arnold 2003); co-author
- Upgrade your German (Arnold 2003) with Silke Mentchen
- Development of online German grammar programme, Just-in-time grammar
- Online units (AS and A2) for Villiers Park Educational Trust (see: here)
- Co-translation from German into English: two books and several articles in the field of Classical Studies, all for CUP.
For details of further publications, please click here.