22nd – 24th September 2018
Michael Haneke, film director and the director of the Vienna Film Academy, is to attend the third edition of Picturing Austrian Cinema, a Cambridge Research Symposium co-convened by Dr Frederick Baker and Dr Annie Ring, to be held at Queen’s College, Cambridge on 22nd - 24th September 2018.
According to the symposium's founder Dr Frederick Baker (Centre for Film and Screen):
Michael Haneke is one of the world’s greatest filmmakers, and a true European, who has been creating cinema in both the German and French languages for years.
Haneke will be attending a special showing of his latest film Happy End at the Arts Picturehouse Cinema in St Andrews Street at 16.30 on 23rd September 2018.
The public Q&A with Michael Haneke will be led by Frederick Baker, Laura McMahon and J.D. Rhodes (Centre for Film and Screen).
The Symposium is a joint event between University of Cambridge and the Austrian Film Institute in Vienna. It is co-convened by Dr Frederick Baker and Dr Annie Ring (University College London), with the past two Symposia being held in 2014 and 2016. This year the Symposium will host 40 film experts from Austria, the UK, Ireland, Canada, Germany and the US. Previous special guests have included Jessica Hausner and Ruth Beckermann in 2014 and Ulrich Seidl in 2016. This year the filmmaker Christiana Perschon and the journalist Claus Philipp will be presenting works on Austrian feminism and a film version of “The Children of the Dead” by Nobel prize winner Elfriede Jelinek.
The symposium will also see Michael Haneke announce the winner of the first Austrian Institute Film Essay Award worth 500 Euros.
For more information on the film Happy End and tickets at the Arts Picturehouse please see https://www.picturehouses.com/cinema/Arts_Picturehouse_Cambridge/film/happy-end-qanda-with-michael-haneke
The full programme of events for the Symposium can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1miZ2sG4TZsrzlBk0dunxj4xUeMPZ5b_TdIiB4_gF2mg/edit