Nominations for student representatives on the MML Faculty Board are now open.
Two undergraduates and one graduate are elected each year to represent the student body on the Faculty Board. The Faculty Board meets twice a term to discuss a range of issues regarding the running of the Faculty. Our student representatives have an important voice in MML and becoming a rep is a worthwhile addition to your CV. Faculty Reps have the opportunity to boost their leadership skills, shape the way that studies are delivered, and engage with important decision-making that has a direct impact on their peers.
CUSU provides training and support for Faculty Reps throughout the year. Robert Cashman, CUSU Education Officer, will be holding a drop-in session on Wednesday 2 December, 12-1pm, in the Lecturer’s Common Room in the RFB for those interested in running. He will be able to provide more information on student representation and the election process, and drinks and snacks will be provided.
This role is for Lent and Easter Term 2016 and is to Class f of the Faculty Board ('Student Members'). Nomination forms are available to download here (Word document), and are also available to collect from the Faculty Office (room 121). These must be returned to the Faculty Office, signed by the nominee, the proposer and the seconder. Please note that all nominees must produce a brief manifesto.
The deadline for receiving nominations is 16:00 on Friday 22 January 2016, and the election will be held one week later, on Friday 29 January 2016.
General information can be found on the CUSU website:
Once you have been nominated
All those nominated must produce a manifesto that is no longer than one page. One copy of each manifesto will be displayed on the Examinations notice board on the first floor landing of the Raised Faculty Building. Manifestos will not be displayed until after the closing date for nominations on 22 January 2016.
- No alterations may be made to these manifestos after they have been submitted.
- No manifesto should make personal or offensive comments.
- Nominees may not run as a pair and manifestos should not mention any other person standing in the same election.
- No other copies of the manifesto may be displayed.
- Nominees may display posters on the Faculty notice board advertising their name and the fact that they are standing for election. These posters must be submitted to the Faculty Office. Any posters not submitted to the Faculty Office will be removed.
The names of the successful candidates will be published on the website and the Faculty Examinations notice board, and all the candidates will be informed in writing of the outcome of the elections.
Election will be held on Friday 29 January 2016 (one week after nominations close. More information about the voting process will be sent out to students by email and will be available here nearer the time.
Becoming a Faculty Rep is an enriching process; alongside the experience you’ll gain from working closely with academics and your fellow students, you’ll develop a huge range of transferable skills. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries you may have regarding nominations or the elections.