King's College King's Parade Cambridge CB1 1ST United Kingdom
Godela Weiss-Sussex's main research interests lie in the culture and literature of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in the following areas: women’s writing, the works of German-Jewish writers produced in Germany and in exile; translingual literary production; questions of belonging and futurity in postmigrant writing. Prof Weiss-Sussex welcomes inquiries from potential MPhil and PhD students with research interests relevant to her interests.
Her main current research projects focus on: contemporary German-Jewish writing as postmigrant cultural production; and: narratives of genealogy: the German-Jewish family novel in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Recently published:
- Georg Hermann, Die daheim blieben, ed. by G. Weiss-Sussex (Wallstein, 2023).
- Contested Communities: Minor, Minority and Small Literatures in Europe (Oxford: Legenda, 2023; co-edited with Kate Averis and Margaret Littler).
- Barbara Honigmann (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2023; co-edited with Robert Gillett);
- Rethinking Minor Literatures – Contemporary Jewish Womens’ Writing in Germany and Austria, Special Issue of Modern Languages Open (June 2020), co-edited with Maria Roca Lizarazu. Open Access publication: https://www.modernlanguagesopen.org/collections/special/rethinking-minor-literatures-contemporary-jewish-women-s-writing-in-germany-and-austria/; Jüdin und Moderne. Literarisierungen der Lebenswelt deutsch-jüdischer Autorinnen in Berlin, 1900-1918 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016).