Trinity College P4 Burrells Trinity Street Cambridge CB2 1TQ United Kingdom
Roger Paulin took his doctorate in Heidelberg in 1965 and his Cambridge Litt. D. in 1987. He taught at Birmingham and Bristol before coming to Cambridge in 1974 as a University Lecturer and Fellow of Trinity. From 1987 to 1989 he was Henry Simon Professor of German in the University of Manchester. From 1989 to 2005 he was Schröder Professor of German in Cambridge and is a Fellow of Trinity. From 1989 to 1996 he was Head of Department. He retired in 2005. He received a Humboldtpreis in 2002. In 2011 he was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz.
Generally, German literature 1500-1900. Specifically, Goethezeit, Romanticism
Biography of August Wilhelm Schlegel (since 2008)
Ludwig Tieck: a Literary Biography (Oxford, 1985; Munich 1988)
The Brief Compass: the Nineteenth-Century German Novelle (Oxford, 1985)
Ludwig Tieck (Stuttgart, 1987)
Goethe, the Brothers Grimm and Academic Freedom (Cambridge, 1990)
Theodor Storm (Munich, 1992)
Der Fall Wilhelm Jerusalem. Zum Selbstmordproblem zwischen Aufklärung und Empfindsamkeit (Göttingen. 1999)
The Critical Reception of Shakespeare in Germany 1682-1914. Native Literature and Foreign Genius (Hildesheim, New York, 2003)
The Life of August Wilhelm Schlegel: Cosmopolitan of Art and Poetry (Cambridge, 2016, Paderborn 2017)
Roger Paulin has edited or co-edited 11 volumes and has written approximately 85 articles.