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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Dr Rhiannon McGlade

Photo of Rhiannon McGlade
Fellow in Spanish and Catalan, Robinson College
Director of Studies: MML/HML Part 1A
Affiliated Lecturer Spanish and Portuguese Section
Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages & Linguistics
Contact details: 

Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages Raised Faculty Building University of Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue Cambridge CB3 9DA United Kingdom


Dr Rhiannon McGlade is Fellow in Spanish and Catalan at Robinson College and Affiliated Lecturer at the University of Cambridge. With a PhD in Hispanic Studies (University of Sheffield, 2013), Dr McGlade’s current research considers humour and identity politics in visual print media, literature, theatre, film and the press within a Hispanic context. She has published and presented broadly on these themes, including her book, Catalan Cartoons: A cultural and political history (University of Wales Press, 2016). Previous roles include: College Teaching Officer (Spanish and Portuguese, Christ’s); Research Associate of the AHRC-funded project “Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies” (University of Cambridge); and Lecturer of Catalan Studies at Queen Mary, University of London, where she was also the Director of the Centre for Catalan Studies.

Since 2019, she has been General Editor of the Journal of Catalan Studies.

Teaching interests: 

Dr McGlade lectures and supervises across the MMLL Spanish and Catalan culture and language papers at UG and PG level.

Research interests: 

Research interests: 

20th Century Spain

Catalan cultural and political history

Humour theory

Visual Print Media (Cartoons; Comics; Graphic Novels; ‘Zines)

Humour and identity




Recent research projects: 

Current/recent major projects include:

  • ‘In Visible Ink’: Humour, Gender and Sexual Dissidence in the Visual Print Media of Spain’s Long Transition’
  • ‘Between the Frames: Visual Print Media in Spain Since 1975’ with Dr Bryan Cameron
  • ‘(Dis)articulating Identities: Multilingualism in the Catalan Countries’ with Prof Brad Epps (
  • ‘En català’, International impact project with Prof Dominic Keown (
  • Spanish and Hispanophone coordinator: ‘The Global History and Significance of the Editorial Cartoon – From Print Revolution to Digital Dominance’
Published works: 


In preparation: McGlade, R. In Visible Ink: Visual Print Media and Sexual Dissidence in Spain (1968-1992)

McGlade, R. (2016) Catalan Cartoons: A Cultural and Political History, Cardiff: University of Wales Press

Reviewed in: Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies; Catalan Review; Hispanic Research Journal; International Society for Humor Studies; Bulletin of Hispanic Studies; Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies; International Journal of Iberian Studies

Edited Collections

R. McGlade and B. Epps (eds) ‘(Dis)articulating Multilingual Identities’, Special Issue of the Journal of Catalan Studies (forthcoming Dec 2021)

B. Cameron and R. McGlade (eds) (2020) ‘Out of the Gutter: The Politics of Dissent in Visual Print Media from the Spanish Transition to the Present’, Special Issue of The Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, Vol 4: 2 pp. 175-328

Articles and Chapters

McGlade, R. ‘Multilingual Mirth: Language, Laughter and Literature’ in B. Epps and R. McGlade (eds) ‘(Dis)articulating Multilingual Identities’ Special Issue of The Journal of Catalan Studies (forthcoming Dec 2021)

‘The Art of Ageing in Contemporary Spanish Graphic Narratives’ in J. Britland and X. Dapena (eds) Hispanic Issues Series: The Political Imagination in Contemporary Spanish Graphic Narrative (Vanderbilt UP) ([accepted] forthcoming 2021)

‘Tickling the Translator: Humour and Translation in Catalan Literature’, in J. London (ed.) Catalan Literature in English: Translation, Readership, and Impact ([accepted] forthcoming 2021)

‘Laughing on the Other Side: Humour in the exile narrative of Aveŀlí Artís Gener’ in J. Larios and M. Lunati (eds) Catalan Narrative 1875-2015, Oxford: Legenda ([accepted] forthcoming 2020)

‘Beyond Carpanta: Humour in the Plays of Josep Escobar’ in J. London and G. Sansano (eds) Acting Funny on the Catalan Stage: El teatre còmic en català (1900-2016), ([accepted] forthcoming 2020)

Cameron, B. and McGlade, R. (2020) ‘Out of the Gutter: The Politics of Dissent in Visual Print Media from the Spanish Transition to the Present’ Special Issue of The Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 4: 2, pp. 175-85 McGlade, R. (2020) ‘Laughing on the Other Side: Humour in the exile narrative of Avel·lí Artís Gener’ in J. Larios and M. Lunati (eds) Catalan Narrative 1875-2015, Cambridge: Legenda, pp. 199-215

(2018) ‘Dissenting Voices? Controlling Comics Under Franco’, European Comic Art, 11: 1, pp. 30-47

(2015) ‘The fets de Cu-Cut!: Cartooning Controversy in Catalonia’, Romance Quarterly, 62: 4, pp. 199-211

(2015) ‘Humour and Identity in Catalonia: The Rule of the Satirical Press’ in R.L Keeble and D. Swick, Pleasures of the Prose, Bury St Edmunds: Abramis, pp. 138-54

(2014) ‘L’Esquella al segle XIX’ and ‘La llibertat d’expressió’ in J. Capdevila, (ed.) L’Esquella de la Torratxa, Barcelona: efadós, pp. 117-122; 128-129


Iranzo Cabrera, María (2020) ‘(Re)negotiating Freedom of Expression in the Spanish Transition: The Case of El Papus (1973–1987)’ trans. Rhiannon McGlade, Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies, 4: 2, pp. 209-237

Museu del Disseny de Barcelona (2014) Extraordinary! Decorative and Author-Centred Art (3rd-20th Century) trans. Rhiannon McGlade, Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona


Apr 2021 ‘Comic Queens: Sofía and Letizia in Spain’s Graphic Satire’, Representing Kings and Queens in Iberian Cultures, 1975-2020, American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting

Mar 2021 ‘The Art of Ageing: Senescence in Contemporary Spanish Graphic Narratives’, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Annual Convention

Oct 2020 ‘Before Charlie: The 1905 Cu-Cut! affair in Spain’, Invited student talk, (University of Sheffield)

Feb 2020 ‘Modernisme and the Media: Picasso’s Periodicals’, Invited Speaker, RA Lates: Barcelona Modernisme (Royal Academy of Arts, London)

Feb 2020 ‘In Visible Ink: Women and Visual Print Media in Spain’s Transition’, Invited Lecture, Zurbarán Centre (Durham University)

Feb 2020 ‘Sketching Sorority: Women and Visual Print Media in the Spanish Transition’, Invited Research Paper (Newcastle University)

Jan 2020 ‘The Forgotten Female Cartoonists of Spain’s Transition’, Fluid Images —Fluid Text: Comics’ Mobility Across Time, Space and Artistic Media (Cardiff University)

Nov 2019 “Someone will remember us”: The Female Cartoonists of the ‘Barcelona Generation’ Anglo-Catalan Society, Annual Conference (Bangor University)

Nov 2019 ‘El web congrés com eina de promoció del català: el cas de’, with D. Keown, Associations of Catalan Language and Literature (University of Alicante)

July 2019 ‘Laughing Underground: Clandestine Cartooning in the Franco Regime (1938- 1946)’, Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Annual Conference (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

March 2019 ‘Languages and Humour in the Digital Age’ (University of Cambridge)

June 2018 ‘Beyond Charlie, Anti-clericalism and Freedom of the Press network’, Invited

Paper and Panellist (St Bride’s Foundation, London)

April 2018 ‘The Centre of Contemporary and Modern History Presents: Catalonia’, Invited Paper and Panellist (University of Sheffield)

April 2018 ‘Multilingual Humour’, Invited Talk, (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Jan 2018 ‘Multilingual Mirth, Communicating the Comic in Catalonia’, Invited Conference: ‘(Dis)articulating Identities: Multilingualism in the Catalan Countries’ (University of Cambridge)

Sep 2017 ‘Tickling the Translator: Humour and Translation in Catalan Literature’, Invited Conference: ‘Catalan Literature in English: Translation, Readership, and Impact’ (Queen Mary, University of London)

Sep 2016 ‘Beyond a Joke: The Cartooning Code’, Invited Conference: ‘Line, Word and Gesture Visualising Thinking in the Hispanic World, (University of Birmingham)

June 2016 ‘Beyond Carpanta: Humour in the Plays of Josep Escobar’, (QMUL)

April 2016 ‘Catalan Cartoons: A cultural and political history’, Book Launch and Invited Seminar, Institut Universitari d'Història Jaume Vicens i Vives, (UPF)

April 2016 ‘Je Suis El Papus: The Cost of Comic Criticism in Spain’s Transition to Democracy’, Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI), Annual Conference (Northumbria University)

Dec 2015 ‘Laughing on the Other Side: Humour in the exile narrative of Aveŀlí Artís Gener, Invited Conference: ‘Catalan Narrative 1860-2015’ (University of St Andrews)

April 2015 ‘Dissenting Voices: Children’s comics as a critical outlet under Franco’, AHGBI, Annual Conference (University of Exeter)


Feb 2020-21 ‘En Català’, (Web Conference, University of Cambridge and Valencia)

Mar 2019 ‘Languages and Others: Diversity and Humour in Catalonia and Ukraine’ (University of Cambridge)

Feb 2019 ‘En Valencià’, (Web Conference, University of Cambridge and Valencia)

May 2018 ‘Between the Frames: Visual Print Media in Spain Since 1975’ (University of Cambridge)

Jan 2018 ‘(Dis)articulating Identities: Multilingualism in the Catalan Countries’ (University of Cambridge)

Mar 2017 ‘Multilingual (Con)figurations: Catalan and Ukrainian in Dialogue’ (University of Cambridge)

May 2016 ‘The Catalans: A deplorable history, an exciting future’ (QMUL)

Feb 2014 ‘Memory, Mothers and Mourning in Mercè Rodoreda and Maria-Mercè Marçal’ Centre for Catalan Studies Annual Lecture by Dr Montserrat Lunati (QMUL)