Robinson College Grange Road Cambridge CB3 9AN UK
Dr Annett specialises in the writing of Dante and Samuel Beckett. He is currently working on the writing of Primo Levi, as well as the relationships between literature and theology.
Lectures and supervisions for Italian, Divinity and English undergraduate papers. For Italian, these include ITA3 (Italian Texts and Contexts), ITB2 (Translation from Italian), and IT4 (Autobiography and Self-Representation in Italian Culture), as well as Year Abroad/Optional Dissertations on Italian topics. For the Divinity and English departments, I teach B13 (Religious themes in Literature) and Early Medieval Literature and Its Contexts (English, part 1 paper 2).
Samuel Beckett
Primo Levi
Samuel Beckett’s poetics
Primo Levi
‘Una veritade ascosa sotto bella menzogna’: Dante’s Eclogues and the World Beyond the Text. Volume 68, Issue 1 (March 2013), pp. 36-56