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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Dr Sara Delmedico

MHRA Research Fellow
Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages & Linguistics
Contact details: 
Telephone number: 
+44 (0)1223 335 000 (Main Faculty number)

Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages Raised Faculty Building University of Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue Cambridge CB3 9DA United Kingdom



Dr Sara Delmedico has a PhD in Italian Studies from the University of Cambridge (2018). She is a MHRA Research Fellow (project: From the Restoration to the Pisanelli Code (1815-1865): A Cultural and Historical Assessment of the Legal Status of Women in the North of the Italian Peninsula; her work examines the legal status of women in the Kingdoms of Sardinia and Lombardy-Venetia focussing on the law in action). 


Research interests: 


  • Legal History
  • Women’s Studies
  • Nineteenth- and twentieth-century women’s history


Recent research projects: 


  • ‘Being a Woman in 19th-Century Sardinia. Love, Seduction and Reputation in the Law in Action’ – Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory (Institute of Modern Languages Research – University of London), and at the Italian Cultural Institute (IIC – London), funded by the Fondazione di Sardegna (Luisa Selis Visiting Fellowship, April – June 2019);
  • ‘The Decline of Paternal Authority. The Mocenigos di San Stae in Nineteenth-Century Venice’ – funded by the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation (December 2017).


Published works: 


Journal Articles

  • ‘‘I Forgive my Sons for any Disgust They Might Have Caused Me’. Alvise I Mocenigo and the Decline of Paternal Authority in Nineteenth-Century Venice’, Journal of Family History, 44/4 (2019).;
  • ‘Introduzione’, Da madri a cittadine: le donne italiane dall'Unificazione alla Repubblica, eds Sara Delmedico, Manuela Di Franco and Helena Sanson, special issue of The Italianist, 38, 3 (2018), 301-09;
  • ‘The Dowry in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Papal States: The Case of Umbellina Livi’, eds Gabriella Valera, Ecaterina Lung and Christopher Heath, Gender and Generations: Spaces, Times, Identity, Chronica Mundi, 13 (2018), 92-106;
  • ‘Alimenti e dote alla periferia dello Stato Pontificio: la famiglia Pucci’, The Italianist, 37, 1 (2017), 50-68;
  • ‘The “Appropriateness” of Dowry: Women and Inheritance in the Papal States in the Early Nineteenth Century’, GLOSSAE. European Journal of Legal History, 13 (2016), 165-81.

Book Chapters

  • ‘Fano tra pionismo e Repubblica Romana (1846-1849)’, in Miscellanea di studi per il bicentenario della nascita di Giuseppe Mazzini, ed. by Stefano Orazi (Urbino: Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, 2012), pp. 99-116, ISBN 9788889731451;
  • ‘Garibaldinismo fascista: il discorso di Ezio Garibaldi ad Urbino’, in Ripensare Garibaldi. Studi dal bicentenario della nascita di Giuseppe Garibaldi, ed. by Stefano Orazi (Urbino: Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, 2012), pp. 211-18, ISBN 9788889731468.


  • Breve studio sulla condizione giuridica della donna nello Stato Pontificio dell’Ottocento (Brief Study on the Legal Status of Women in the Nineteenth-Century Papal States) published with the support of the Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano - Pesaro and Urbino Committee, and the Municipality of Fano (PU- Italy), ([n. p.]:, 2014), pp. 97, ISBN 9781291833447.


  • 2010: Founder and editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed history journal Chronica Mundi.