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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Research in MML

Research in the Faculty of MML

The Departments of the MML Faculty and ASNC are each large enough to constitute distinct research environments. Typically, each has sufficient research-active members of academic staff to cover the historical and thematic range of the subject. Research in the language Departments deals with every period from the medieval (the particular domain of ASNC) to the contemporary, and incorporates the study of literature, history, the visual arts and film, thought, and culture, in the broad sense of that term, including related or minority language areas within the remit of several Departments (e.g. Ukrainian, Catalan). Research in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (DTAL), formed on 1 August 2011 when the former Department of Linguistics and the Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics (RCEAL) merged, likewise covers a comprehensive range of the language sciences and offers theoretical and empirical research in a broad spread of fields from historical linguistics and comparative syntax to language processing and computational linguistics. Each Department has its own national and international research networks. The direction of research in MML lies with the Research Strategy Committee (RSC). ASNC has been represented on this Committee since 2011.


Book publication: The New Cambridge History of Russian Literature

4 December 2024

The New Cambridge History of Russian Literature (Cambridge University Press) has been edited by Prof Simon Franklin, Dr Rebecca Reich and Prof Emma Widdis.

Languages, Power and Cultures (Trinity College) and Langevity (Emmanuel College) programmes open for applications

2 December 2024

Applications are open for the Languages, Power and Cultures Programme at Trinity College, aimed at students in their penultimate school year.

Selwyn Sykes Cambridge Masters Studentship in Italian Studies

20 November 2024

Selwyn College will offer two studentships for UK MPhil students in Italian Studies for entry in October 2025.

Doyle Calhoun on archives, literature and anticolonial resistance

18 November 2024

Content Notice: This article contains discussions of colonial violence and suicide. Dr Doyle D. Calhoun teaches and works on a range of topics related to African and Caribbean literatures and cinemas; Senegalese literature and cinema in French and Wolof; the archives and afterlives of French slavery; Négritude; and the...
