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The MML Course

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


MML: The Fourth Year

The Fourth Year: Part II

Returning from your Year Abroad, you can choose from a very wide selection of options in your final year.

For the final year language papers, most students choose to specialize in one language (even though you may still have obtained a high degree of fluency in two during your year abroad).  However, it is also possible to continue with both languages.

In your fourth year you also have the option to ‘borrow’ papers from other Faculties, including History and English, and to bring your work in multiple language areas together by choosing from the Faculty’s comparative papers.

You can also elect to replace one written exam with an Optional Dissertation, another piece of extended independent research on a topic of your choice that you work on throughout the year with guidance from a supervisor.

By the fourth year, every student’s course of study is unique. You will have the opportunity to follow and develop your own interests, in your scheduled paper work as well as if you elect to write an optional dissertation. 

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