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Events for Teachers

Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Diversity in German Studies - CPD Workshop series aimed at secondary teachers of German

Credit to: Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Credit to: Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash  


This series of workshops will focus on the theme of diversity as a key point of contact between A-level German teaching, where it features both as a highlighted aspect of contemporary society and as a theme in prescribed literary works and films, and current work in German at University level, where it represents a core principle in curriculum development and broader institutional priorities.

These will take place on Zoom between 5:00-6:00pm (with the exception of the talk on 27 February which will take place at the earlier start time of 4:30pm) on the following dates:

Please register via the following form:


Session 1: Wednesday 8 November, 5pm

Professor Silke Mentchen, “Gendergerecht sprechen und schreiben auf Deutsch – wie geht das?”

A brief introduction will be held in German followed by discussion in English and/or German hosted by Professor Andrew Webber.


Session 2: Tuesday 28 November, 5pm

Dr Doriane Zerka, ‘Race, Religion and Heritage: The German-speaking Middle Ages from St Maurice in Magdeburg to Feirefiz in Parzival’


Session 3: Wednesday 17 January, 5pm

Dr Matt Hines, ‘Wiedervereinigung? Diverse Experiences of Post-1989 Germany’

With discussion hosted by Filiz Yildirim


Session 4: Tuesday 27 February, 4:30pm

Dr Maria Roca Lizarazu, ‘Cultural Responses to Right-Wing Violence Post-Unification  – Esther Dischereit’s “Klagelieder” (2014)’

With discussion hosted by Dr Syamala Roberts


Session 5: Wednesday 20 March, 5pm

Dr Leila Mukhida, ‚Archive der Migration: Almanya - Willkommen in Deutschland‘

With discussion hosted by Tara Talwar Windsor



The series will comprise five one-hour online workshops between November 2023 to March 2024 and a concluding in-person event in June/July 2024 (date tbc).

Each workshop will be led by a member of the German Section at the University of Cambridge, and will be structured so as to enable discussion and exchange. Starting from aspects of the topic covered in A-level teaching (e.g. heritage, multiculturalism), sessions will connect these to elements of University teaching of the topic and to current research in the field, providing a chance to prepare and exchange targeted, accessible extension materials and exercises.


The series aims:

1.    To share insights into the centrality of diversity, as a theme and as a disciplinary and institutional priority. 2.    Through these insights, (a) to contribute to raising attainment in languages by providing resources to enrich A-level teachers’ subject knowledge and which can be used in the classroom; and (b) to enrich University provision, especially in first year, by increasing understanding of current approaches at A-level.

3.  To inform advice for students on course choices (both GCSE to A-level, and A-level to University) by highlighting current developments in approaches to material from the German-speaking world on University courses.

4.    To develop online lecture resources. 5.    To develop networks among teachers and between teachers and academics that will sustain future outreach work in the subject.