Emmanuel College St Andrew’s Street Cambridge CB2 3AP United Kingdom
Caroline Egan specializes in the literatures and cultures of colonial Latin America, particularly 16th-and early 17th-century works in and about Amerindian languages and their circulation in a transatlantic context. She is currently developing a book project on the idea of orality in this period, including studies of the Nahuatl-language compositions collected in the Cantares Mexicanos, the lyric production of Jesuit missionary José de Anchieta, and the historiographical Comentarios reales by the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Her research and teaching interests also include comparative American literatures, world literature, and poetry and poetics.
Caroline currently serves as Membership Coordinator for the Colonial Section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), as well as Co-chair of the Committee on the Status of Graduate Students in the Profession in the Modern Language Association (MLA). She previously taught classes on Spanish, Portuguese, and World Literature at Stanford University and Appalachian State University.
Dr Egan welcomes inquiries from potential MPhil and PhD students with research interests relevant to her interests.