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Applying: MPhil in Linguistics and Language Sciences

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For more information on the course, please see MPhil in TAL By Advanced Study or MPhil in TAL by Thesis

Applying: MPhil in Linguistics and Language Sciences

Who should apply

Applications for the MPhil courses are welcomed from those whose undergraduate degree includes a significant element of linguistics and who have, or expect to obtain, a first class honours degree or the equivalent. Courses are highly competitive and a first class honours degree is strongly preferred, although under exceptional circumstances we will consider a high 2:1 honours degree. If you are not a native English speaker we would expect you to have already passed an English Language Proficiency test at the required level. The following examinations with minimum scores are accepted: IELTS 7.5 (with a minimum of 7 in each unit); TOEFL iBT 110 (with at least 25 in each individual element); CAE Grade A or B (with at least 193 in each individual element) plus a language centre assessment; CPE Grade A, B or C (with at least 200 in each individual element). These requirements are absolute. 

Beginners in linguistics are advised not to apply. Although the MPhil by Advanced Study contains a taught component in the first term of the course, it is intended for students who already have an extensive background in Linguistics. It is not intended as a conversion course. Occasionally students with a degree in a neighbouring discipline (for example psychology or philosophy) are considered for acceptance but they have to demonstrate familiarity with concepts, problems, and theories in theoretical and applied linguistics that makes them eligible on a par with other applicants.

Applicants for the MPhil by Thesis will need (a) a broad foundation in linguistics, with depth in at least some subfields, and (b) a clear idea of the area in which the thesis will be written.

How to apply & Funding

You can apply online at the Postgraduate Admissions website.  Their site also provides detail on the course structure and content, fee rates, information on the collegiate system, and information regarding the application process.

Please find further information regarding applications and funding on our Applying to MMLL page.

Central University information on funding can be found here, and a link to the University's funding search can be found here.

Supporting documents

Once you have submitted your Applicant Portal application online and paid the application fee, you will later receive an email which will grant you access to your Applicant Self-Service.  At this stage you will be able to upload your supporting documents.

  • Academic transcripts for any degree-level courses you have taken.
  • Evidence of your English proficiency (if you are not a native English speaker).
  • A sample of writing of approximately 3000 words. The sample can be either an essay produced during undergraduate studies or a section of a dissertation, and must be a single-authored work in English.  
  • Your curriculum vitae (CV).
  • Those applying for the MPhil By Thesis should also submit a research proposal, maximum one page.

Your nominated referees will be sent an automated email when you submit your application, inviting them to upload their references directly to the system.  

Further information on supporting documents can be found on the Postgraduate Admissions website.

Enquiries regarding the course and entry requirements can be directed to the Postgraduate Secretary at 

Consideration of applications

Applicants who apply for US Gates funding by the October funding deadline may normally expect to receive an admissions decision in December.  All other applicants who apply by the funding deadline in December may normally expect to receive a decision before the end of March, and the majority of offers are made in February and March.  Following the funding deadlines, applications are processed on a rolling basis and applicants may normally expect a decision within 12 weeks following the submission of their completed application and required supporting documents.  Occasionally, applicants may not receive a decision within the normal timeframe due to being placed on a reserve list.  If this is the case then the Faculty will be in touch to let applicants know.  Normally the latest date for decisions to be communicated is the end of June.

Finding a supervisor

Although students on the MPhil course are not required to identify a supervisor in their application, it is advisable that all students look for potential supervisors working in the area of expertise they may want to pursue as a topic for their dissertation.