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Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics


Italian Research Seminars.

Italian Research Seminar Poster

Come join us for our Italian Research Seminars! Details are listed below.

25th January, St Johns College

Dr Gianmarco Mancosu (University of Calgary) 

'Exotic Fascism: Imperial Propaganda in between Film, Literature and Ethnography' 


16 February, Selwyn College 

Professor Francesca Southerden (University of Oxford) 

''Cosi o cosi': Petrarch's ''vario stile'' and the Pleasures of Linguistic Instability'


28th February, Department of Architecture

Professor Jacopo Galimberti 

Modern and Contemporary Art Seminar (Department of History of Art) 

Book Presentation: 'Operaismo, Autonomia and the Visual Arts' (1962-1988) 

Respondent: Dr Antonella Camarada (Universita degli Studi di Sassari) 


2nd March, TBC

Dr Antonella Camarada (Universita degli Studi di Sassari)

''A vivid canvas of Italy's Deep South'': The Critical Reception of Carlo Levi's in the U.S'


8th March, TBC

'Writing Across Nations' 

A roundtable with Shirin Ramzanali Fazel (writer) 


Prof. Jennifer Burns (University of Warwick), Dr Marco Medugno (Newcastle University)