Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages Raised Faculty Building University of Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue Cambridge CB3 9DA United Kingdom
Stephanie graduated with degrees in English (summa cum laude) and German (cum laude) from the University of California, Davis, in 2012. After completing her MA at Brown, she conducted a year of research at the University of Konstanz, Germany, with the support of a Fulbright Research Fellowship. She graduated from Brown University with a PhD in German Studies in 2018. Prior to coming to Cambridge, Stephanie also served as Visiting Assistant Professor at Brown’s German Studies Department in Spring 2019.
At Cambridge, Stephanie has completed a monograph on the racializing structures of German Romantic genre theory, and co-edited an upcoming volume on literature and epistemic injustice with PI Sarah Colvin. As a member of the Cultural Production and Social Justice research group, she has also been involved in the collaborative groups “Fictions of the Rechtsstaat” (with LMU Munich) and “Towards a Politics of Fiction” (with the University of Bayreuth). With her expertise in critical approaches to 18th and 19th century German literature and culture, she is a co-contributor to the Towards an Equitable German Studies collective and its online, open-access bibliography.
Across her extensive teaching experience at Brown and Cambridge, Stephanie has taught German language and translation courses; delivered lectures and supervised on modules including “Post-War Fiction: Memory and History” for Ge10 and “Women, Writing, and Society” for Ge8; supervised an MPhil thesis on German colonialism and linguistics through the Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies; and guest-taught a session of a graduate seminar on Race and Aesthetics with Professor Zachary Sng (Brown University).
- German language (all levels)
- German translation
- German literature and culture of the 18th and 19th centuries
- German film
- Histories of, and approaches to, women’s writing
- University-level writing
- German literature and culture of the 18th and 19th centuries
- German aesthetic philosophy, genre theory, and poetics
- Women’s writing
- Social justice and cultural production
Generic Violence: Poetry and the Cultural Reproduction of Marginality in German Romanticism (forthcoming, Northwestern University Press)
Articles and book chapters:
“Vocabulary for an Unthinkable Grammar: Sharon Dodua Otoo’s Synchronicity.” In The Literary and Essayistic Writing of Sharon Dodua Otoo, eds. Sarah Colvin and Tara T. Windsor, German Life & Letters, forthcoming in 2024.
“Goethe as civil servant.” In Goethe in Context (ed. Charlotte Lee), Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
“‘The Notation of a Silent Lament’: Hermeneutical Injustice and Judith Schalansky’s An Inventory of Losses.” In Epistemic Injustice and Creative Agency: Perspectives on Global Literature and Film. Ed. Sarah Colvin and Stephanie Galasso. London: Routledge 2023, 57-80.
Galasso, S. (2017) Form and Contention: Sati as Custom in Günderrode’s ‘Die Malabarischen Witwen.’ Goethe Yearbook 24, 197-220.
Edited books
Epistemic Injustice and Creative Agency. Perspectives on Global Literature and Film, ed. with Sarah Colvin. London: Routledge 2023
Book reviews
Sweetapple, Christopher, Heinz-Jürgen Voß, and Salih Alexander Wolter. Intersektionalität. Stuttgart: Schmetterling Verlag, 2020. German Studies Review 44.1 (2021).
Translations “Theodor W. Adorno: Auschwitz and Commodity Fetishism.” By Moshe Zuckermann. Makers of Jewish Modernity: Thinkers, Leaders, Artists, and the World They Made. Eds. Jacques Picard, Jacques Revel, et al. Princeton UP, 2016
"My Approach to Biography: Rosa Luxemburg, Hildegard von Bingen, Hannah Arendt." By Margarethe von Trotta. differences (26/2, September 2015).