Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics
Raised Faculty Building University of Cambridge
Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge
United Kingdom
Simone Kügeler-Race specialises in medieval German literature and language. She completed her doctorate at the University of Cologne under the supervision of Professor Ursula Peters. For her doctoral research, she has been awarded a full-time stipend from the a.r.t.e.s Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne and a DAAD research scholarship to analyse Carthusian manuscripts in the British Library, the Bodleian Library and Cambridge University Library. From 2011–2012 she obtained a stipend from Pembroke College, Cambridge. From 2012–2018 she worked as DAAD-Lektorin at St Johns’ College and Director of Studies in German (2015–2018).
Her first monograph “Frauenmystik im europäischen Kontext” appeared in 2020 with Böhlau Verlag in the series “Forschungen zu Kunst, Geschichte und Literatur des Mittelalters”. This interdisciplinary study explores manuscript transmission, text typology and narrative modes in order to contextualise the Middle English Book of Margery Kempe within the text tradition of continental women mystics.
Currently, Simone is working on Carthusian reader annotations in The Book of Margery Kempe and Julian of Norwich’s so-called short text to outline contemporary reception and devotional use of female mystical literature in a Carthusian setting. She is also preparing a research article for the forthcoming DFG-Symposion “Migrationen der Lyrik um 1300, um 1800” Villa Vigoni, 20–25 March 2023.
Simone lectures in medieval German literature on a broad range of topics such as courtly love lyric, Arthurian romance, the Middle High German epic, late medieval German drama, the Melusine tradition and female mysticism. She also teaches German language and translation classes as well as literary theory.
Female Mysticism
Devotional Literature
Late Medieval Melusine Adaptations
Material Philology
Cultural Studies
Lyrische Migrationsprozesse um 1300 und um 1800 – Registerinterferenzen und Redeformen am Beispiel der Texte Mechthilds von Magdeburg, Frauenlobs und Christina Rossettis.
Die Rezeption frauenmystischer Viten- und Offenbarungsliteratur am Beispiel der Leserannotationen im Short Text der Juliana von Norwich (London, British Library, Add MS 37790) und The Book of Margery Kempe (London, British Library, Add MS 61823)
Frauenmystik im europäischen Kontext: ›The Book of Margery Kempe‹ und die deutschsprachige Viten- und Offenbarungsliteratur des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts, Forschungen zu Kunst, Geschichte und Literatur des Mittelalters (Köln/Wien: Böhlau 2020).
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
‘Entren þe wey of hy perfeccyon – The Book of Margery Kempe (ca. 1440) als Erbauungslehre im Kontext christlicher Vervollkommnung, in Vita Perfecta: Formen der Aushandlung divergierender Ansprüche an ein religiöses Leben, ed. by Daniel Eder, Henrike Manuwald and Christian Schmidt, 131–172. Otium (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming).
‘Lektürezeichen und Rezeptionsspuren in ›The Book of Margery Kempe‹ – Ein mystischer Vitentext in den Händen englischsprachiger Kartäuser’, in Mystik unterwegs. Theologia mystica und revelationes in kartäusischen Händen, ed. by Marieke Abram, Susanne Bernhardt, Gilbert Fournier, Balázs J. Nemes, 1–27. Miscellanea Neerlandica 49, Studia Cartusiana 7 (Leuven: Peeters Publishers, publication date 2022).
‘Die vor geschriben puͤchlein hat swester Kathrein Tucherin herein gepracht: Die Offenbarungen der Katharina Tucher und Texte ihrer Büchersammlung als Literatur im Kloster’, in Sammeln als literarische Praxis im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit: XXVI. Anglo- German Colloquium, ed. by Mark Chinca, Manfred Eikelmann, Michael Stolz, Christopher Young, 1–18 (Tübingen: Narr Francke, forthcoming).
‘Die Rezeption frauenmystischer Viten- und Offenbarungsliteratur am Beispiel der Leserannotationen im Short Text der Juliana von Norwich (London, British Library, Add MS 37790) und The Book of Margery Kempe (London, British Library, Add MS 61823)’, in: Meister-Eckhart-Jahrbuch, 1–25 [with the editors].
‘Carnal Manifestations of Divine Love in the Mystical Writings of Elsbeth of Oye, Mechthild of Magdeburg and Margery Kempe’, Neophilologus 102 (2018), 39–58.
Book Reviews:
‘Wendy Love Anderson: The Discernment of Spirits. Assessing Visions and Visionaries in the Late Middle Ages (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation 63). Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck 2011.’, Historische Zeitschrift 298 (2014), 776.
‘E.A. Jones and Alexandra Walsham (eds.): Syon Abbey and its Books: Reading, Writing and Religion c. 1400-1700’, Marginalia 14 (2012), 28–31.