The programme for the Cambridge Hispanic and Lusophone Research Seminars 2019/2020 is below:
Michaelmas Term
16th October, 5.30pm, Newnham college (Barbara White Room)
Dr. Tori Holmes, Queen’s University, Belfast.
Talk: Changing screens? A reflection on digital culture in Brazil, in three acts
Refreshments provided
Hosted by Victoria Adams
20th November, 1pm, Selwyn College, The Kathleen Lyttelton Room
Professor Dominic Keown, University of Cambridge
Talk: Catalonia: unseen and unheard in Spanish cinema
Hosted by Victoria Adams
Lent Term
22nd January, 5.30pm, Newnham College (Barbara White Room)
Professor Laura Lewis, University of Southampton
Talk: ‘That Little Mexican Part of Me’: Race, Place and Transnationalism among
U.S. African-descent Mexicans
Refreshments provided
Hosted by Jessica Hagley
19th February, 1pm, RFB Room 142 (Media Centre)
Dr James Kent, Royal Holloway
Talk: Human Landscapes: Storytelling and Surrealism in the work of Raúl
Hosted by Jessica Hagley
Easter Term
29th April, 5.30PM, Newnham College (Barbara White Room)
Professor Peter Hulme, Essex University
Talk: The Spanish-American Number: Travel, Translation, and the Literary
History of Modernism
Refreshments Provided
Hosted by Dr. Vivien Kogut Lessa de Sá